Hilltown Families


Facebook has found a way into our daily rituals. It doesn’t get more local than reading the overshared personal musings/ ventings of a friend or neighbor (or stranger!). It’s an addiction! Many people are social media cynics (some of us were burned by MySpace where one morning we woke up and everyone had left town- noooooo!) and Rebecca started out as such.

As a journalist, Rebecca has a different meaning for “news feed.” If you think this installment is all about Facebook bashing though, you’re wrong. As a mom raising a child with type one diabetes, Rebecca reveals how the power of Facebook has lent a helping hand….

There is no doubting the stress and pressure of raising a child with two autoimmune diseases as Rebecca shares monthly here in her column, “Just My Type: Raising a Child with Type One Diabetes.” It leads to consecutive nights of interrupted sleep where Rebecca has to constantly check on her child’s condition. While taxing, it can often lead to cherished moments in the silence of the night as she watches her child sleep. It’s how memories are made.

Sometimes blessings come in unusual packages, like wrapped up in rawhide! Read about how a kind gesture at an iconic national park led to a great end to a trying day in Rebecca’s monthly column, “Just My Type: Raising a Child with Type One Diabetes.”