Hilltown Families


This month in “Soup’s On: Stirring Up Connections in the Kitchen,” Dane continues the spotlight on picky eaters. The conversation continues by taking a look at youth and young adults, and how NOT to turn dinnertime into a battlefield of exasperation.

Last month, Dane tackled some of the reasons behind picky eating in her debut post to our newest column, “Soup’s On: Stirring Up Connections in the Kitchen.” This month, she’s looking at strategies for the young picky eater – and how you can help broaden their horizons AND maintain your sanity!

Where does picky eating come from? Dealing with picky eaters can be a challenge for the omnivorous or adventurous cook. This month in the debut of “Soup’s On: Stirring Up Connections in the Kitchen,” Dane Kuttler explores some of the reasons some folks keep a limited diet – and how we can address those needs and help them expand their tastes! Dane is Hilltown Families newest Contributing Writer and Director of the Julia Poppins School of Cooking. Be sure to check out her monthly column on the last Wednesday of every month!