Zoe’s Big Adventure Across Eastern Europe

Zoe Travels the World: Join Us in Our Adventures
By Tony(a) Lemos, HF Contributing Writer

(Photo credit: Tony(a) Lemos)

Hi, my name is Zoe. Some of you may know me as I live here in the hilltowns. And while I love the hilltowns, one of my favorite things to do with MamaT is to travel. I LOVE to travel! I’ve taken an airplane to Europe when I was four months old, and I’ve journeyed by car from the hilltowns to Florida. I’ve traveled by bus and by train, and I even spent seven months in India (in utero!). I don’t remember much about that trip, but MamaT has stories to share!

This spring (March 2008) we’re taking off again. I can hardly wait! We are flying to Amsterdam (Holland) and then caravaning through Eastern Europe to Greece to visit my Giagia (greek for grandmother). MamaT says that our trip this spring is just a warm up for the BIG ONE … a journey over land from England to Tibet! And all along the way we are planning our adventures with visits to many cities in seven different countries, including:

  • Berlin (Germany)
  • Prague (Czech Republic)
  • Vienna (Austria)
  • Budapest (Hungary)
  • Bucharest (Romania)
  • Sofia (Bulgaria)
  • and then into Northern Greece

You can follow our adventures right here on Hilltown Families. You can read our posts, which will include photos, activities, maps and links to suggested readings. And when we return we’ll be sharing more stories and craft projects at the Children’s Art Museum in Shelburne Falls, MA.

(c) 2006 Tony(a) LemosPOSTCARDS FROM THE ROAD

If you would like to receive a postcard from us during our travels, send us your name and mailing address, along with a donation of $1.50 to cover costs and we’ll send you a card during our trip. Drop it in the mail to arrive before March 7th, 2008. Our road trip will begin the next day!

About the Author: Tony(a) Lemos

Tony(a) Lemos

Tony(a) is the director of Blazing Star Herbal School in Ashfield, MA and maintains an herbal practice in Northampton, MA. She is a graduate of Natural Therapy at Raworth College in England and has apprenticed with many influential herbalist, including Susun Weed. She is the vice president of the North East Herbal Association, and has taught at conferences and festivals all over New England, including Green Nations Gathering and the Women’s Herbal Conference

2 Comments on “Zoe’s Big Adventure Across Eastern Europe

  1. Ti einai touta pou vrikame skalizontas sto google, 2:15 ta ximeromata?

    Kalimera kai polla filakia Elly & Kalliope

  2. what exciting adventures! i am envious and excited for both of you! we would be thrilled to get a postcard from the road and will be sending you our address and donation very soon!

    happy new year!

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